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October 2006

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Home » Archives » October 2006 » Halloween

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10/29/2006: "Halloween"

music: None, nice & quiet
mood: Good

Hi all,

As it has been ages I won't go into detail about what happened in the past several months. Maybe later on you will hear bits and pieces.

However, today I want to talk about Halloween!
Angela and I had been invited to this Halloween party which was throwing by two of my managers. It was the first ever Halloween party I had been to in my life! This because it's not commonly celebrated in the Netherlands. We decided to go as cowgirls, because this was the outfit we had anyway. Most of it (including our hats) of course bought in America when we went there in 2001.

Well, I didn't like the travelling to and from so late at night. We had to go to Amsterdam and I just don't like drunken people because they behave so erratically. Also, the weather wasn't too good but well, what can you expect in the Netherlands at the end of October?

The party was great though! Considering there weren't too many people it was still really good fun. Quite a view of my colleagues and also some people I have been in contact with work wise. What was strange and (for some reason) slightly unnerving was that my predecessor was also there. I guess what I found strange was that she was so friendly with everyone and she was so friendly with them. For some reason I had the idea that she hadn't gone out of the company so well and thus it was weird seeing her there. I have to say though that this was the only strange thing on the night. The rest was just amazing!
They even had 'prices' for some costume categories, Angela and I were awarded the 'Most Patriotic' award! LOL

I hope to have some pictures soon so I might be able to share some with you! smile
