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November 2006

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Sunday, November 5th

Weekend of laziness

music: Meatballs sizzling in the pan
mood: Pretty decent

Hi all,

This was again a weekend of not doing much. The intend was there but we didn't really follow up on it. Have been looking for shoes in the shops here but there wasn't much in the way of real stock.
Unfortunately now I only have my new boots I bought last week as my other shoes gave up the fight. I really need a decent pair of walking shoes next to it to dash around at work.
The only shoes I could have bought here were either not fitting at all or were ridiculously priced. Also the shopkeepers didn't seem at all bothered.
Just asking: "which shoes would you like to try" is not a lot of service as far as I'm concerned.
No, then I'd rather next week go to Stravers Shoes in Amsterdam. They advise you and make you feel welcome as well as trying to sell you a pair of shoes.

I guess the weekend wasn't totally wasted. We got the bird's house off the wall to clean it out before winter really arrives. There was a decaying dead bird in there so it was good we looked at it.
The thing is: we still need to do a lot in and around the house and one of those things is create a nice garden which also welcomes birds and butterflies and the like.
To at least start off with this idea we put up food for the birds. One of those hanging nets and the great tits have already found it. At least one of them comes back for more every day. Unfortunately I only see it at the weekend but it's so great to be a part of that. I just stop dead in my tracks every day. It's just special! We are going to put the bird's house up tomorrow again after it has dried a bit. Hopefully the great tits will use it as a winter hide-away as well!

I also did something today again that I hadn't done in ages any more...
I baked a boterkoek (butter cake lit. translation). We have yet to taste it but I tried a small piece and it seemed al right... Hopefully Angela's dad can be proud of me. He was confectioner for a short part of his life but he did have the feeling for it. So I found recipes all over the house and I decided to finish some pastry stuff we still had.
Talk about coming into the spirit of it... Angela is now really working on cooking nice meals for me. Dutch food complete with cooked potatoes, vegetables and a nice piece of meat.
At the moment she is baking meat balls as we haven't really eaten a proper dinner yet. I am looking forward to eating these with bread. There's already this gorgeous smell coming out of the kitchen.

Tomorrow it's no work for me but the second day of the prevention course. However I almost have not done any of the homework as it has been so unbelievably busy at work. I might be able to still do something on the train tomorrow.

I am so looking forward to Christmas. Granted we still need to do quite a lot but we should be able to have a half proper Christmas at least. With a tree and good food... Nowadays I almost every evening light candles already and I LOVE it. It just makes it even more cosy and homely even though there is still a lot of mess to be sorted and dealt with.

Anyway, I'm going to check whether those balls are ready yet.
See you next time!


Angelasgf on 11.05.06 @ 08:42 PM CST [link] [No Comments]